Der Groove für diesen Sonnentag.
Gestern habe ich das Material gesichtet, welches ich am Wochenende geshooted habe. Wie der Eine oder Andere mitbekommen hat, bin ich mit einem Kunstflieger mitgeflogen. Da habe ich mich natürlich gestern den ganzen Tag mit Fotoarbeiten, Selektieren, dem Video und natürlich dem passenden Beitrag dazu aufgehalten. Heute muss ich mal verschnaufen und habe dazu die passende Musik herausgepickt. DJ Ridym hat wieder den passenden Groove für meinen Tag gefunden.NOTHING MORE TO SAY.
We set the funk-o-meter dial to HIGH beginning with a very rare and unreleased Jamiroquai cut that quickly sets the tempo for the next few tracks from Atmosphere, Incognito, AWB and Heatwave. This is Jazz Funk at its best people and the fact that it's British makes you wanna put that extra dip, turn and shuffle in your dance step!Changing the tempo slightly with a Paradise track and an early Loose Ends gem that for me sort of signalled a change at the time and a new sound for British soul groups and ringing in the change that there was a new sound on the horizon were groups like Total Contrast, Second Image, Cool Notes. This is where our unique Brit sound came into its own as a result of a number of British influences such as the casual scene, Lovers Rock and weirdly enough football for as we know football fans are well known for their love of chanting which made its way to the dance floors and eventually to the music itself with groups like Beggars & Co.
Tracklist:1. Jamiroquoi - Funky Seven
2. Atmosphere - Interplay
3. Incognito - Sunburn
4. Heatwave - Groove Line
5. Average White Band - Pick Up The Pieces
6. Paradise - Satisfied
7. Gonzalez - What You Gotta Do About It
8. Second Image - Fall In Love
9. Total Contrast - Be With You Tonight
10. Loose Ends - Don't Hold Back Your Love
11. Cache - Where Is My Sunshine
via soulnrnb