In diesem Fall so gar Pin-Up - Paste-Ups :D
"The prostitutes represent various things. One aspect is certainly the historical background of the area, but the second is they represent what's happening to East London. The area is selling itself - especially with the Olympics just around the corner. Rent is getting higher, new places are opening every day; everything is for sale and people are taking advantage of this and raising their prices in anticipation of the demand to come. They're prostituting themselves essentially. Finally I guess it's also a reference to how I go out and use the streets as a canvas, making myself public by using public spaces."
| In an almost childish expression, fantasy imposes on reality.
Pablo lebt schon einige Zeit in England genauer gesagt in London und bemüht sich um die kulturelle Gestaltung der "Bordsteine". Er klebt seine Paste-Ups an Häusersockel und malt die Schatten dazu, so dass ein 3 Dimensionaler Eindruck entsteht.
Klein, unauffällig auffällig und dadurch sooo groß !
Nun geht es nicht nur um Straßenschwalben, welche er eindrucksvoll in Szene setzt, sondern auch um seine "Couples und Tripples" Serie die surrealistische Züge trägt.