With the popularity of the eReader right now there are lots of companies trying to get readers to market and Neonode has unveiled a new eBook platform called the zBook that is low costs and will help bring cheap eReaders to market quicker.
The platform is aimed at companies looking to produce a reader needing 100% transparent touch windows, multi-touch capability, and capable of input from a finger or a stylus.
The screen used in the zBook platform is an electronic ink TFT LCD that needs no backlight. The screen tech also supports pen input, gestures for zooming, and other functions. The zForce tech is already in use in other devices on the market today including mobile phones, MIDs, eReaders, digital picture frames and tablet computers.Features with Neonode zForce Touch
- 100% transparent
- No touch overlay which distroy viewing angel and contrast(vision)
- Finger touch or any object touch ( no need of any inductive or capacitive pen)
- Multi touch which allows Pinch/Zooming
- Light up menue with proximity sensors save power
- Lightsensor, allows you to adjust your backlight and save power
- QWERTY keyboard for text inputs
- Support for sweeps and moves, change page by sweeping
- Touch components integrated on your main board
Das Neonode N2 wird ja bekanntlich nicht mehr hergestellt,
aber die Technik aka zForce ist gerade für eBooks sehr interessant.
zForce hat den grossen Vorteil, dass das Display zu 100% transparent sein kann und man diese Geräte auch mit normalen Handschuhen bedienen könnte.
Wischbewegungen wie beim iPod,iPhone bzw iPad ;) sind auch möglich und das Beste ist, dass es eine so genannte "low cost" Lösung ist und eBook Reader ordentlich pushen könnte.
So bald ich weitere Neuigkeiten aus Schweden höre werde ich diese bloggen
Neonode, Inc. (OTCBB: NEON), the Swedish leading Optical Touchscreen Technology Company, announced today that the newest Koobe Inc e-Book reader, the JinYong Reader, uses its zForce optical touch screen solution for e-book readers. The JinYong Reader incorporates an ARM-based application processor connected to a high contrast 6 inch electronic ink display and Neonode's optical touchscreen, supporting smooth finger input with gestures and sweeps.Engadget JP Link zum Produkt
The JinYong Reader will feature the work of renowned Chinese martial arts novelist Jin Yong among others and will be sold mainly in the traditional Chinese-language market (including but not limited to) Taiwan and Hong Kong. It will be available in the major book stores and consumer electronics channels.
The JinYong Reader is the slimmest multi-touchscreen capable eReader ever. The device supports text in a wide variety of formats such as PDF, ePub, html, txt, as well as images in JPG, BMP and PNG formats. The internal memory of 2GB can store up to 1500 e-books and can be expandable with a micro-SD memory card (up to 16GB).
Page-turning on the JinYong Reader can be done with a single slide on screen or button, while other basic functions like bookmarking, page refresh and annotation can be done with one touch, as well. Touch operation is simple and can be done with either hand.
"We are pleased to work with an e-publishing leader like Koobe to incorporate our innovative zForce e-Book touchscreen platform into the Koobe products. Our zForce e-Book touchscreen will help to enable feature rich e-book applications that can be enjoyed by the growing user base in Asian markets," said Thomas Eriksson, CEO of Neonode Technologies AB.
Neonode delivers a touch solution that is many times more cost effective than any other high performance touch solutions currently in the market. Neonode's technology incorporates all functionality and performance features from traditional touch screen solutions such as resistive and capacitive response (i.e. iPhone). zForce supports high resolution pen input, multi-finger touch control and zoom-in gestures combined with superior picture quality. zForce is currently being integrated into products such as mobile phones, mobile internet devices, e-books, digital picture frames and tablet PC's.
"Koobe continues to drive the evolution of e-book reader design through style and enhanced capabilities," said Mr. Younger L. Liang, Director of Koobe Inc. "In adopting the Neonode eBook touchscreen technology, we have created an e-Book that overcomes the limitations of conventional e-Books. The easy-to-use touchscreen complements the sleek industrial design and rich content. A light finger touch is all you need to control the device."

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