1. Die Neno.exe ( bitte alte Version benutzen, siehe unten z.B. mit 7zip oder winrar öffnen.
2. Danach in den Ordner $neno_install$ wechseln und die Localize.7z und Sysfile.7z rauskopieren.
3. Die Localize.7z in einen Ordner Localize entpacken.
4. Die Sysfile.7z in einen Ordner Sysfile entpacken.
5. Beide Ordner auf die miniSD kopieren.
6. Den restlichen Inhalt aus "$Neno_Install$" in die "Root-Directory" der SD Karte kopieren
7. N2 starten
8. Neues Update von Neonode.com runterladen und normal installieren !
9.N2 starten - Voila !
1. Du trenger et nytt miniSD-kort.
2. oppdateringen fra redneo.com
3. Åpne oppdateringsfila med et zip program (testet med 7zip / winrar).
4. Gå inn i mappa "$neno_install$" hvor det skal ligge to zip-arkiver ved navn "Localize" og "sysfiles".
5. Lag to mapper og kall dem for "Localize" og "sysfiles" (akkurat som zip-arkivene).
6. Kopier innholdet fra arkivene til mappene med samme navn.
7. Legg T9Norwegian.dll inn i T9 mappen (sysfiles\T9)
8. Slett zip-arkivene og kopier alt som ligger i mappen "$neno_install$" til SD-kortet.
9. Sett SD-kortet inn i telefonen og boot.

DOWNGRADE DOWNLOAD zum strippen einer grösseren SD-Karte
Update am 25.06.2008:
Dear All,
I have made an upgrade without data loss and have all space usable (from 1GB to 2 GB SD).Thanks for your topics which helped me how to start.
The way I have made:
1st step: made a data backup manually: switch off neno, connect via USB cable, save data.
2nd step: made a backup from Neno 1GB card (three partitions) with a Drive Snapshot Imaging software (downloaded trialware from http://www.drivesnapshot.de/en/down.htm ). The three partitions were:
-> (data): around 800 MB
-> HD2: 128 MB
-> HD3: 64 MB
which means three backup and three images stored somewhere to the computer.
3rd step: downloaded latest software from neonode.com (or previous ones from this forum - as you wish).
4th step: changed the SD card in Neonode (I have a new 2GB sized one).
5th step: installed the new software to the larger, new empty SD card.
Here I had a backup on the PC and a new empty Neno on N2, with original size of SD.
-> (data): around 800 MB
-> HD2: 128 MB
-> HD3: 64 MB
6th step: put back the backup files to Neonode. I made it in HD2, HD3, (data) order.
At this point I had the old system with old partition size in (data) area.
7th step: switched off neno, connected to PC via USB and formatted the Removable device (neno one) to FAT format. (I have Windows XP).
So finally I had the following partitions (in case of 2GB SD):
-> (data): around 1,7 GB
-> HD2: 128 MB
-> HD3: 64 MB
I checked that all my data are OK (call histories, sms-es, contacts, calendar entries. I do not had any mms-s, so I do not know what happens with the attachments for example). I needed to reinstall my applications (NeoRhythm, NeoLockClock, etc.). I needed to save back the manually backupped data (mp3-s, pictures, ringtones, etc), but these were saved in 1st step.
I think that the copying back (data) area can be skipped (because later it was formatted), but I am not sure. It is possible that Neno needs these files here when starting up. Anyway, I did this way and it was working for me. Till now I did not find any data loss. I had some contacts set special ringtones - if I copied back these ringtones, it was working.
So try this way - but no guarantee attached.
Good luck, Agi