Habt Ihr bock auf einen 4,20 Minuten Skateboard Film?
Also ich schon und wenn der dann noch in 4K ist, noch mehr. Hier kommt also "Neighborhood Pusher" in UHD. Mit dabei sind Dane Vaughn, Pete Eldridge, Chris Colbourn, Gavin Nolan, Jeremy Murray, Connor Champion und Andrew Singh.
Style in skateboarding is predicated by the push. That first stride that propels you forward is your entry point and the foundation you build your entire language off. Where you place your hands, how your foot is pointed, even the force of a rubber sole against pavement becomes a unique signature, communicating individuality, before any trick is snapped off. Whether you’re conscious of it or not, the push is the cornerstone of street skating—something so simple, yet so nuanced. A bad push magnifies everything and while it can end up being cut in an edit, you can’t hide that shit the other minutes, hours, and days eyes are on your skating.
Once you master inertia, when your center of balance is so refined that it’s automatic, style develops. Not just what you look like on a skateboard, but where that push takes you, how you interpret the landscape ahead of you, and which direction you bound towards. Distinctive, singular, and also binding. New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, all an asphalt expanse to sign with your expression. The Neighborhood Pushers, the ones that lead without effort, because it’s all been in motion since day one, push one, and still going. You’ll never master it, you’ll never conquer it, only refine it with your own color and spin. Since 2004, Mighty Healthy’s defined success by sharing that push with anyone along for the ride. Watch that mindset manifest in this edit with Dane Vaughn, Pete Eldridge, Chris Colbourn, Gavin Nolan, Connor Champion, Jeremy Murray and Andrew Singh as they paint the corners of their hoods, as only they can.
via highsnobiety