Ich hatte es als Gadget des Tages zum Preordern im Blog und wenn Ihr es gelesen habt, seid Ihr bestimmt genau so gespannt wie ich auf diese
Presseinfo zur ARM® Technology Conference in Santa Clara :

The official presentation of the first ever smartwatch will take
place during the ARM® Technology Conference in Santa Clara.
Only a few months away from its official launch online, the
i’mWatch has already won over cool hunters and technology
From the 25 to the 27th of October 2011, the Italian company
founded by the entrepreneurs Manuel Zanella and Massimilano
Bertolini, will introduce the world to i’mColor, the low cost
version of i’mWatch.
Jetzt bin ich gespannt was aus Italien kommen wird, aktuell gibt es schon ein Infovideo und ganz im ernst, ich bin echt gespannt auf das erste fertige Produkt.
Wie sehr hat man Android vom UI angepasst, läuft es stabil und schnell genug ?
Mal sehen wann es weitere News gibt, ein Promosample wäre auch ganz gut, denn " End of October: only after the "soft launch", the press units will be available for reviewing. "
I'M WATCH uses the i.MX233 applications processor, using audio and microphone The system has 64MB RAM DDR2@400mhz and NAND (Ubi FS) memory is 8GB. The audio output is also an USB on-the-go port to connect the device to a computer or to accessories like GPS. I'M WATCH has also 2 GPIO buttons for volume regulations and system wake up. The display (240x240) uses MIPI Technology The capacitive touch is built on a curved glass. I'M WATCH uses an optimized 1.6 Android OS, with 2.6.35 kernel. A ram compression technology is used that creates a based block device which acts as a swap disk. The "low memory killer" has been modified and a dynamic CPU scaling is performed. All communication are managed by a Bluetooth dedicated chip controlled by a native interface.