Das Mural von BLU auf der Cuvrybrache ist eins der beliebtesten Werke und ein Highlight für jeden Streetart-Fan. Dieses Bild ist nun weg. Schwarz übermalt. Einfach so.Einfach so? Nein, denn der Künstler selbst hat es veranlasst, da eine Immobilienfirma neue Häuser auf dem Gelände bauen will und eben dieses Mural als Kaufanreiz benutzt. BLU selber:
[…] it is not the city of Berlin doing that, neither it is the real estate developers who want to build a new residential complex at this empty spot. In fact, it is being done by the people related to BLU — the artist who made this painting. With his consent.Sort of a desperate statement: having learned that a new house would be built at that spot with a panning view on the paintings (that would be preserved on the wall), the artists decided to paint them all black, so that nobody can take advantage of the original work… A “fuck you” gesture towards the city, towards the real estate company, but most of all – to all the people who love this artwork and everything that it’s come to represent. The argument of the people who are doing that is that Berlin is not the same anymore, that the real estate company will just use the artwork to sell apartments more expensive, that a new statement needs to be made at this new moment of time… In a way, they are doing exactly what the artwork says: “reclaim your city”. (Rene / Nerdcore)
Für uns die Aktion des Jahres. Schade nur, dass der Mittelfinger nicht stehen geblieben ist. Großer Respekt auch, dass keins der anderen Pieces und Tags von BLU und seinen Leuten übermalt oder gecrossed wurde.
(Bilder Credits via Sascha Ulig und Marc Honniger)