Globe hat man wieder ein '
|A few weeks back, Dion Agius and crew embarked on a journey to an unknown land. A journey for waves. A journey that would bring Dion to unleash on the world's best man made wave. A studio for surfing. Smack in the middle of a desert mountain range in a foreign land.
There was a concept. A concept involving 10 Russian models, a Lamborghini, and Dion boosting virtually every air in the book, plus a couple new ones. Electric blue water contrasting against wild mountainous backdrops.
A story was captured. Captured through the lenses of Joe G, DJ Struntz, Beren Hall, and Grady Archbold. Motion & Still. Film & HD. The story will be told through the pages of our global media partners and through this short film directed by Joe G.
Nun ein Selbstdarsteller par excellance der auch nen tollen Blog hat.
Ich kann mir nicht helfen, die Bilder im Blog erinnern ungemein an die Lifestyle Fotos von Daniel Schreiber.
Auch wenn Globe tolle Vidz raushaut, ich hab mir trotzdem ein Santa Cruz gekauft - aber die Videos ...grrrrrr "cool"