Promoaktion zum Film Chronicle.
Ein tolles Viral.
| Since the three main characters of the movie have the ability to fly, we came up with the idea of staging a few “flying people” sightings around New York City. We achieved that illusion by having 3 custom-made aircraft (which were shaped like human beings) fly above designated areas in NYC and NJ via boredpanda
Alaska Wakeboarding
Kann ich mir gerade bei unseren aktuellen Temperaturen nicht so prickelnd vorstellen.
|A teaser edit from episode 5 of catchin' air.
Andy Hurdman wakeboards through an ice field well waiting for the wind to pick up.
UpDown Productions via daddygothisgunloaded
Ein Simpsons Forrest GumpTrailer Mashup - grandios
via curiositycounts
Die Evolution der Kommunikation bzw. der Kommunikationsmedien in einem schönen Animationsfilm verpackt. via designyoutrust
Radioteleskope in New Mexico im Timelapse von Douglas Koke.
| As a learning exercise, and something to challenge myself, I wanted to try to combine two of my favorite things: motion-graphics and time-lapse photography.I also wanted to see if I could stretch my editing techniques a little further.The VLA really is a legitimately amazing thing to see in person. If you've ever considered making a visit, you should.It's an awe-inspiring feat of human engineering, and the surroundings are gorgeous. Unbelievable skies in New Mexico. I caught some nasty weather, but it was still a great experience. I'm definitely going back!
via geeksaresexy
Einer meiner absoluten Lieblingsfilme auf dem Seziertisch.
'Es war einmal' eine Arte Serie die den Dingen auf den Grund geht, schaut sich die Hintergründe von Kubricks Meisterwerk an.